Create a modern space and dramatically improve your room acoustics.

Intégrez la verdure à votre décoration intérieure ou extérieure et créez un espace moderne et épanouissant

Qu’on le nomme jardin vertical, mur végétalisé ou encore mur vivant, le mur végétal est ultra tendance !

En un rien de temps, il vous permet d'améliorer la qualité et l’esthétique vos espaces de vie ou vos établissements. Et ce n’est pas tout : en créant un parfait brise-vue, notre mur végétal artificiel offre une parfaite solution occultante tout en améliorant l’acoustique.

Qu’attendez-vous pour intégrer notre mur végétal artificiel chez vous ?

mur végétal artificiel Green Upp
Panneau phonique ou acoustique salle de reunion Green Upp
Panneau végétaux décoratifs pour restaurant - isolation phonique

Plant panels have been created with the aim of improving your living spaces or establishments. Aesthetics on the one hand, but also acoustics. You may have already experienced poor acoustics and its impact on the quality of life or performance of your establishment. With plant panels, you remedy this problem while improving the appearance of your room.
You give a modern, warm and natural touch to your interiors. And you know what? As a bonus, it will bring you a steady stream of compliments from your guests and customers.

Cloture vegetale séparation modulable gabion - Green Upp

Resistant for outdoor use

The materials chosen offer, in addition to a realistic rendering, an exceptional resistance to extreme weather conditions. Frost, heat, direct sun, wind... None of the above will damage your panels.

In addition, the panels do not require lighting or maintenance and will remain green all year round. They do not attract any pests.

The little extra: thanks to thermal insulation maintaining a high level of humidity, our synthetic solutions do not heat up in summer.

  • Easy to install

  • Premium quality

  • Improves acoustics

  • Saving water and maintenance

  • 100% recyclable

High-end, strikingly realistic artificial decorative foliage

The leaves are all different from each other. It's up to you to choose according to the color, the shape of the leaves, their density or the desired final setting/decor! If you want a flowered wall, you can opt for white bindweed or bougainvillea. For dense foliage, the Jungle Green Wall will be a great solution, with greens of varying shades and textures. As for the fern, it will bring you a totally blackout luminous green.

Mur végétal artificiel extérieur pour balcon - Green Upp

Choice among 10 premium finishes

We've selected different types of foliage, including shrubs, evergreens, vines, and even flowering plants, so you can find exactly what you need to bring your space to life.
  • Mur végétal artificiel / panneau végétal artificiel /Bougainvilliers / Green-Upp


  • Panneau vegetal haie artificielle Liseron Blanc

    White Bindweed

  • Panneau vegetal haie artificielle Fougère


  • Panneau vegetal haie artificielle Savane


  • Panneau vegetal haie artificielle Thuya


  • Panneau vegetal haie artificielle Lierre


  • Panneau vegetal haie artificielle Buis


  • Panneau vegetal haie artificielle Cyprès


  • Primevère

  • Jungle

  • Buisson

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